Under the terms of the five-year contract, AT&T will serve as the primary provider of networking services, delivering switched metro Ethernet service to the county’s two main office locations and two school locations.

With AT&T Ethernet Service, the Glenn County Office of Education (GCOE) will connect its two school locations and related educational offices under a single, converged network for increased security and reliability. The new network will also provide increased bandwidth, which will allow advanced educational applications such as VoIP, video conferencing and webcasting at each of the schools.

In addition, AT&T will provide around-the-clock network-monitoring and disaster recovery services for improved security and redundancy of the network.

We needed to upgrade our existing copper network to support the delivery of enhanced educational content and reliable internet access to all of our schools, said Larry Metzger, chief information officer for GCOE. With the help of AT&T, we’ll be able to provide advanced technologies to our faculty and students for an improved learning environment.