AT&T Co has become the first company to implement a number for life by mobilising intelligent network technology. The new EasyReach 700 Service gives US subscribers a portable long distance number that travels with them either when on temporary trips, or when moving house. The service is not cheap, costing $7 a month, but the company appears to have incorporated an unprecedented degree of flexibility. For example, it can be programmed so that only certain calls follow the subscriber, who can hand out personal identification numbers to people who will then be able to call free. The subscriber updates the network as to his or her whereabouts by programming the new number from any touch-tone phone. Although the service is meant to launch on June 15, provision of the service is complicated by the US regulatory environment with its separated long-distance and local carriers. Availability of the service and the cost of intra-state calls will vary around the country depending on agreement being reached with the regional Bell operating companies. In addition AT&T is clear that the service is designed primarily for long distance calls, and says that people will probably retain their existing local phone numbers. Nonetheless, the company reckons that it should have most places served in mainland US by the scheduled launch date.