AT&T has announced availability of International Accunet Digital Services to Spain pending approval: with the addition of a Spanish service, IADS – a point-to-point dedicated private line service between AT&T International Pricing Points located throughout the US and overseas locations – will be available to 20 countries worldwide; the service is being introduced at 64Kbps, and monthly costs range from $3,400 to $4,200 for service originating from the US and the foreign half channel provided by Telefonica de Espana is currently fixed at 900,000 pesetas per month; customers ordering service before June 30 will receive a 25% discount off the AT&T monthly half-channel charge for the first year of service under the AT&T New Circuit Discount Promotion; the service is provided over digital fibre undersea cable systems in the Altantic and Pacific partly by AT&T, partly by Telefonica de Espana SA.