Although AT&T Co’s Unix Software Operation took up most of the attention at the recent Unix Expo show in New York, AT&T Computer Systems also took the opportunity to launch several graphics-related products, including a new software tool to help developers to write applications for the Open Look graphical user interface, and two X Window System products: the 730X Terminal, and software that enables MS-DOS personal computers to be used as X terminals. The new tool, called Open Look Express, simplifies the task of writing Open Look applications by offering an interface drawing tool that obviates the need for coding. The tool is designed for developers that are not X Window System programming experts. Other enhancements to Open Look included improvements to the graphical user interface and end-user systems, as well as to the toolkit and XWIN windowing system. AT&T will also be selling on Locus Computing Corp’ PC Xsight Server Release 2.1 to run on its Intel-based MS-DOS machines. The new 730X Terminal is an X version of AT&T’s 630 MTG Multi-tasking Terminal with Graphics. The terminal includes a 1,024 by 1,024 resolution screen, and includes a StarLAN 10 network access unit with ISO or TCP/IP protocols for 10Mbps host connections. MS-DOS applications can also be accessed on AT&T hosts by using AT&T’s Simultask software, which includes a limited MS-DOS emulator, and allows users to move back and forth between X and non-X applications (including the MTG environment). The terminal includes a removable cartridge containing the X software.