As expected, AT&T Co has taken a place on the board of the Object Management Group, alongside Netwise Inc from Boulder, Colorado. And nine other companies have joined the group as ordinary members, including Borland International Inc, Eastman Kodak Co and Unify Corp, bringing total membership up to 29. AT&T was particularly important to the group, as it is the developer of the object-oriented C++ language that is seen by some as the wave of the future for Unix programming. Formed in April at the initiative of Hewlett-Packard Co, and attracting Data General Corp, Philips NV, Prime Computer Inc, Sun Microsystems Inc, Unisys Corp and others, the group’s aim was to help popularise and standardise the concepts of object-oriented programming. It has now set up the Object Management Group technology committee, which will work on extending the group’s core technology base, which currently consists of Hewlett Packard’s New Wave Object Management Facility. Christopher Stone from Data General is executive manager of the group, while Phil Sakakihara at Hewlett-Packard is acting chairman of the technology committee. Other new members are Aion Corp, Palo Alto, California; Coordination Technology Inc, Trumbull, Connecticut; Objectivity, Menlo Park, California; Ontologic, Billerica, Massachusetts; Softron Inc, Waltham, Massachusetts; and the University of Colorado in Boulder.