Although over time, AT&T Co’s Computer Systems business is to move over to NCR Corp’s Series 3000 line of single and multiprocessor Intel Corp iAPX-86 family machines, it promised at least one further upgrade to the System 7000 R series that uses the MIPS Computer Systems Inc RISC family and comes OEM from Pyramid Technology Corp. AT&T has duly made good on the promise with launch of the R3 Series, consisting of the System 7000 R3 and the 3B2/1000 R3, both available in September. The System 7000 R3 includes three models at from $145,000 to $329,000. There are two 3B2/1000 R3s, at from $49,900 and $74,900. There is also a new high-availablilty model of the R2 series, the Sys tem 7700 for phone companies that previously took the 3B/20D. This system offers duplicated equipment and nearly 100% protec tion from system failures for critical operations such as financial management systems and hotel reservation systems as well.