Always keen to preview its future products, Atari Corp, Sunnyvale, California has confirmed that it will be showing an advanced prototype 68030-based Unix workstation at the Hanover Fair this month (CI No 872). According to the UK’s technical manager Les Player says that the system will come with 60Mb memory and 68881 floating point unit as standard, with a base price of around UKP5,000. Atari previously offered the Idris Unixalike from Whitesmiths on its 68010-based Mega, previewed at Unix Expo last year, but with the integrated memory management unit in the 68030 will now be offering a full implementation of Unix System V.3 – getting it from Unisoft Corp – for the first time. Atari says that the new line, which should be available in October or November but you know how those dates slip, is an addition to the range and will not be replacing the 68010-based systems. Idris may also be offered on the 68010-based ST models with 2Mb and 4Mb memory. Also in the Atari plan is its complete desk-top publishing system at under $5,000 – getting close to the price of a good laser printer alone. The system, extensively previewed last year, will include the Mega computer, the SLM804 laser printer, and Atari Deskset desktop publishing software.