Although the ST range of proprietary personal computers still forms the core of Atari Corp’s business, the company is keen to push ahead in the grownup business machine sector. Atari says that by 1994 ST sales are expected to account for 40% of turnover, compared with 69% now. Business machines should contribute to 40% of company turnover, doubling from the current 20%. As a part of that strategy Atari has launched its 80386SX personal computers (CI No 1,438) and is planning to relaunch its T80020 Transputerbased workstations. Bob Gleadow, managing director of Atari UK says the new version will probably be based on three linked Transputer processors forming a parallel processing system, compared with 17 in the current version. This will make it a 30 MIPS machine and Gleadow reckons it will be competing with the likes of Sun workstations. Unlike Sun staions, the machine will not run Unix because it will have no virtual memory management system. Instead it will run under Helios which according to Gleadow is highly regarded. It will be Posix compliant and arrives September.