The Inmos Transputer is quietly finding its way into more and more prod-ucts, and following Microport Inc’s decision to offer Transputer boards running Unix as co-procesors for Personal ATs (CI No 800), Atari Corp will be announcing dhe Transputer-based workstation developed by Perihelion Ltd of Cambridge, UK (CI No 746) as well as a Unix personal computer at Comdex/Fall in Las Vegas today, Monday. The unnamed workstation will run Helios, a Unix-like operating system also developed by Perihelion, and in an attempt to make the product a serious contender Atari has been coercing independent software vendors to write applications for the machine. Atari hopes to have the workstation in production by the end of the spring and intends to sell it for $5,000. The Unix personal com-puter, called the ST Mega, is a 68010-based machine with 4Mb memory, up to 80Mb hard disk and colour monitor as standard. Prices are not yet available but are understood to start at under $2,000 and the machine should be available immediately. The operating system is believed to be the Whitesmiths Idris Unixalike that Atari licensed from Computer Tools Ltd of Seattle, Washington back in the summer (CI No 711).