Asymetrix Corp, Bellevue, Washington launched Asymetrix ToolBook version 3.0, its visual programming system, and Asymetrix Multimedia ToolBook version 3.0, the latest version of its multimedia authoring system. The products are designed for developers of visual software for front-ends and prototypes; for authors of computer-based training, hypermedia and information-kiosk applications; and for CD-ROM publishing. Multimedia ToolBook 3.0 contains the features of ToolBook 3.0, but adds a multimedia engine and additional capabilities such as path-based animation and full-motion video editing. Other enhancements to the products include viewer objects, which enable authors to display multiple pages simultaneously and to create multiwindow applications, graphical dialogue boxes, palettes, pop-up windows and nested child windows. Also new is an Auto-Script library of predefined and custom scripts. New author-level tools such as the menu editor, right-click, the group editor, the property browser, and the improved script editor and debugger are designed to make development easier. Multimedia ToolBook 3.0 sells for $900, and registered users of the Multimedia ToolBook can upgrade for $300 – and both are available now.