At the Esprit ’92 event, Associated Computer Experts BV, based in Amsterdam, Holland, demonstrated a parallel programming development environment, called Prepare. The tool kit, developed in conjunction with Steria SA, Parsytec GmbH, with input and assistance from European research institutes, is designed to parallelise Fortran-based applications for multiple instruction-multiple data architectures. It comprises a Fortran programming environment, and an interface model that reports to the user how much code can be automatically parallelised without modification. It connects to Compare, a parallel compiler system developed by Associated Computer Experts and Parsytec under a previous Esprit project. Parsytec will use Compare in its T9000 Transputer-based multiple instruction-multiple data systems that are due out next spring. Associated Computer Experts is releasing Compare as a compiler tool kit in the first quarter of next year and a commercial version of Prepare will follow on in the third quarter 1993, it promises.