Asna Ltd revealed its new AS/400 migration tool and is claiming that it cuts Operator Control Language-to-Control Language conversion time by 75%: ESA/ProStart comes from Information Systems Inc and is available in two versions; the basic one converts from OCL to CL, the more advanced provides RPG/400 conversion for existing RPG II programs; the first enables programmers to pick procedures from a source file and create CL programs for each procedure; the RPG Audit and 400 Source Code Module provides an RPG audit report that identifies lines of code and specifies errors; ProStart generates RPG/400 source code and submits the program for compilation; the source code module creates AS/400 database files and DDS source, and analyses application and file layouts; a basic version of ProStart costs UKP1,000, and with an RPG/DDS conversion module, it costs UKP1,300; Asna also revealed that it has completed beta testing of the C-compiler, Diploma/C, and will start shipping this month.