The Guildford, Surrey-based software house, Asna Ltd, has announced Release 3.0 of Diploma/C compiler for the AS/400. It enables programs developed in C in other environments to be converted for the mid-range machine, and also, it offers a source level debugger, ANSI compatibility and handling capabilities like unformatted workstation input output. Asna is claiming that the source level debugger exceeds IBM’s EPM debugger capability as well as offering Unix-like functionality. Within its command set, Release 3 permits browsing, single-step execution, variable display, add breakpoint, remove breakpoint display calling stack, expression evaluation and command processor invocation. New workstation handling commands enable programmers to specify the structure of fields to be processed and then put it on screen, and there are functions to save and restore the screen that are said to eliminate processing difficulties associated with IBM’s C/400 C compiler. The compiler supports a number of extensions specific to the AS/400 including MI statements, externally described files, keyed and RRN access to database files as well as Library Object and File Member directories.