The top of the range 30,595 pound ($48,046) 2.4GHz dual Intel Xeon-based Asita LineSpeed Gx1-22 hosts up to four applications in a single 2U rack-mounting unit and comes fitted with a hardware acceleration card for VPN cryptography. The 19,295 pound ($30,300) Asita LineSpeed Gx1 entry-level system hosts up to three applications, and includes four copper Gigabit Ethernet ports and six 10/100 Fast Ethernet ports.

Both units are tuned for performance, said the Irvine, California-based company. It said that Check Point’s FireWall-1 software forwards traffic at 3.4Gbps on the Gx1 platform, twice as fast as other leading security platforms.

Asita sees its market sweet spot as being large enterprises that want to aggregate firewalling, intrusion-detection and VPN activities around its top-end appliance hosted in the data center.

Source: Computerwire