ASG Software Solutions has moved to tackle the emerging challenge of virtualisation sprawl with a software set that gives a line of sight across an organisation’s IT environments to optimise the use and deployment of virtual as well as physical server assets.
IT shops are in danger of being caught out by virtualisation sprawl and inadequate controls over the increasing numbers of virtualised images they deploy. They face problems tracking the population and tracing the lineage of virtual images deployed across their infrastructure.
Not all administrators are exactly sure when VMs are created, why they were created, and if they should or should not be decommissioned. Dormant VMs can lead to unnecessary use of server resources, and can also impact on the performance of other VMs running on the server.
Left unchecked, the problem will only negate the benefits that virtualisation can bring.
ASG announced its new BSP Virtualisation Management today as a way to monitor real-time performance, health, and efficiency of both virtual and physical IT environments through a single unified dashboard.
IT operations directors can discover and map application dependencies between virtual systems and the underlying physical infrastructure, which in turn, enables them to identify and eliminate areas of actual or potential virtual machine sprawl, the company said.
It system offers control over the three key phases of the virtualisation lifecycle of capacity planning, real-time performance monitoring, and asset planning.
It provides insight on what to virtualise, the company explained, by logically discovering, mapping, and assessing the topology of physical assets and checking system resources to assess retirement of physical servers and unneeded VMs to reduce sprawl.
Components of BSP Virtualisation Management include ASG’s metaCMDB Manager the company has built around the Rochade metadata repository.
The company’s Business Service Portfolio comprises a variety of management tools that are all about making information about the IT assets of the business available to both IT and business people. It enables different views of the IT assets for different users depending on their role within the organisation, to help them better prioritise tasks.