The Woodcliffe, New Jersey-based Ascom Timeplex Inc subsidiary of Ascom Holding AG, Berne, Switzerland, last week launched a series of products aimed at the corporate networking market. The Ascom Timeplex Time/LAN Access Router is designed to connect Ethernet and Token Ring local area networks among multiple branch sites. The Ascom Timepac Branch Nodal Processor can integrate SNA/SDLC, X25, Frame Relay, ISDN and other wide area traffic. It can be used in tandem with the Time/LAN Access Router to consolidate mainframe and local network applications and services over a single wide area backbone. The company has also added Frame Relay capabilities to its existing Ascom Timeplex Time/LAN family of local network and wide area network products, as well as introducing the Frame Server System, which adds Frame Relay capabilities for other vendors’ T1 and E1 multiplexers, routers and bridges. No prices.