Asante is currently implementing Siemens’ Med Administration Check (MAC) software, which automatically validates and documents medication administration at Rogue Valley Medical Center (RVMC), its flagship hospital.

In 2003, Asante purchased mobile carts in an effort to roll out its electronic medical record (EMR) initiative. As it began implementing MAC, the hospital system began using the carts.

It was clear the old carts took up a lot of space, which is at a premium in a hospital, said Jean Jackson, a project manager in Asante Health System’s corporate office. They were cumbersome, and they often were perceived as a hindrance in our workflow rather than as a support.

Flo Healthcare is helping Asante integrate its wireless mobile computing devices, ensuring that training and rollout of the workstations is managed and aligned effectively with the health system’s overall MAC implementation.

Asante’s clinicians will use Flo mobile clinical workstations to access the MAC software, which the vendor claims will help reduce errors at the patient’s bedside.

The MAC system scans each medication and the patient’s ID bracelet, and then it ensures five rights at the bedside: right drug, right patient, right dose, right route of administration and right time. MAC alerts nurses in real time to potential five right administration errors, and clinicians can perform checks such as allergies, drug-lab and drug-drug interactions at the time of administration. They also can enter STAT orders through the scanning process to perform interaction checks prior to administration.