Asia Satellite Telecommunications Co, AsaiSat, of Hong Kong said it received proposals from four consortia for the $250m financing and refinancing of its two satellites: the first group consists of ABN AMRO Holding NV, Asia Capital Partners, Banque Nationale de Paris; McAuley, Dennehy & Tolley, National Westminster Bank Plc and Sumitomo Bank Ltd; the second is Wardley Capital Ltd; the third consists of Barclays Plc, Chase Manhattan Corp unit Manhattan Asia Ltd and Societe Generale Asia Ltd; and the fourth is made up of Bankers Trust New York Corp, CEF Capital Ltd, Cie Financiere de Paribas Asia Ltd and Westdeutsche Landesbank Girozentrale; AsiaSat is equally owned by Hutchison Whampoa Ltd, China International Trust & Investment Corp and Cable & Wireless Plc; it operates AsiaSat 1, Asia’s first private satellite, which will be refinanced, and has ordered an AsiaSat 2, which needs to be financed, from General Electric Co Inc.