Meantime the Wall Street Journal has now picked up on that story we reported last month that Apple Computer Inc and Novell Inc are working together to build the Macintosh System 7.1 look and feel atop Novell’s MS-DOS-compatible DR DOS to run on iAPX-86-based machines (CI No 2,133). The Journal has not got very far in finding out where the applications are expected to come from – or how the thing will be marketed. It suggests either that Apple and Novell only would market the software with Intel Corp-based machines, or that other manufacturers would be licensed to sell machines bundled with the software. Enabling Mac applications to run on the Intel architecture would be a major task, and it is suggested that the pair may look primarily to the base of Windows applications because while software emulation is feasible, the only efficient way to run Mac applications would be to include a 68000 co-processor.