NEC Corp has adjusted its forecast sales figures for personal computers for the financial year to end-March next year, according to the Nikkei Industrial Daily. In the first half of fiscal 1994 – the Japanese call it fiscal 1993 – sales are forecast at around 610,000 units, around 20,000 units fewer than forecast initially. The value of first half sales will be around $2,047m, about $100m less than expected. For the second half, NEC is now forecasting that sales will fall, resulting in an annual total of 1.34m units valued at $4,330m. The average price of a personal computer from NEC, the maker of Japan’s de facto personal computer standard, has fallen to $3,219 this year, from $3,550 in the first half of last fiscal. Prices are continuing to fall even while NEC forecasts total growth in sales of 90,000 units and $3,936m value this year.