Hewlett-Packard Co is getting closer to Hitachi Ltd, which has already signed to make the Precision Architecture RISCs, help on development of new ones, and announced plans to build a high-end Unix machine around the Hewlett RISC. Hewlett has now agreed to joint development of Hitach’s ES/Kernel expert-systems technology for use on its full line of HP 9000 Unix machines. Hitachi said it plans to extend availability of ES/Kernel to international markets, and therfore wants to make it an open product. The joint development focuses on an enhanced version of ES/Kernel and the initial HP-UX version will be available on HP 9000 systems in Europe, with product availability and details planned to be announced in the fourth quarter 1991. The new ES/Kernel will provide user-interface-building facilities based on Motif; a knowledge-based development environment; a set of high-performance tools for build ing operational systems; a model that pro vides for distributed-computing implementa tions; integration with database and other applications; and supporting methodology.