Control Data Corp’s Micrognosis subsidiary, which builds integrated trading room systems for brokers and other financial institutions, has long been thought to be on its way to Hitachi Ltd, but the buyer, while Japanese, turns out to be CSK Corp, Japan’s largest independent computer services company. Terms were not disclosed, but the sale is due to be completed by the end of this year. Danbury, Connecticut-based Micrognosis will provide CSK with a tremendous opportunity to march onto the world stage – it clearly has ambitions in that direction and was strongly tipped as the leading contender to buy Hoskyns Group Plc before Cap Gemini Sogeti SA lowered the boom – because it serves 250 international banks, insurance companies, securities firms and major companies from 25 offices in 15 countries, with $100m business in 1989. Globalisation is essential if CSK is to achieve its goal of generating $10,000m in revenues by the year 2001, said Isao Okawa, president and chairman of CSK. CSK intends to expand internationally in fields such as financial services, manufacturing, facilities management, networking and database management. CSK, which works on the gamut of computer systems, already inter alia develops complex real-time banking systems.