IBM Corp still thinks of everything even though its means may be straitened, and it’s terribly worried that you will have problems when you try to take your Portable One AS/400 (see front) through airport security: it describes the machine as about the size and weight of a fully packed attache case, and has carefully included a pocket in the carrying case that will take a notebook computer (the thing has no console); it comes preloaded with OS/400 2.3 3 and PC Support/400, and IBM says that while it can pass through most airport X-ray carry-on luggage inspection equipment, magnetic inspection equipment may damage components or cause loss of magnetically stored data and software so that if in doubt whether the magnetic inspection equipment is computer safe, you should ask the inspector – and if manual inspection is requested and it is necessary to power up the system –

o Unpack the system and its power cord o Insert the power cord into its socket in the rear of the system o Plug the power cord into a compatible outlet o Turn the power switch on (located adjacent to the power cord socket at the rear of the system) o Open the front cover to display the operator panel LEDs and numeric displays; initial program load should not be necessary to complete the inspection, but if attempted, will require a console display to be attached and may take at least 10 or more minutes to complete – oh, and don’t forget to take these instructions with you on your trip – and when the thing is finally packed away again, you can march away showing just what you think of the guy that made you go through all that palaver by cheerily whistling Jeremy Taylor’s Jobsworth.