Artisoft Inc has journeyed to Palo Alto, California from its backwoods base in Tucson, Arizona and signed up the Wollongong Group in a bid to give Lantastic users access to the Unix world. The joint development agreement is designed to transfer Wollongong’s PathWay Access and PathWay Client NFS suite of networking products to the Artisoft network operating system. The result: LANtastic for TCP/IP, is due to ship this autumn and it provides LANtastic clients with a range of terminal emulations, File Transfer Proticol between Digital Equipment Corp, IBM Corp and Unix hosts and distributed file sharing using the Network File System protocol. The company claims that the TCP/IP kernel weighs in at less than 28Kb. Artisoft will be handling the product’s sales. Artisoft also reports that LANtastic for the Macintosh is now shipping.