Artificial Intelligence Corp has enhanced its PL/I-based version of the Intellect artificial intelligence-based information retrieval and query system for the last time. The next release of the ‘natural language’ system will be completely rewritten in C which the company says will result in more compact and faster code. Another major attraction is the intrinsic portability of C, which will enable the system to be implemented for a wider range of computers. The company expects to move the product to Unix-based machines as Unix users start to make more use of Unix-based SQL databases such as Ingres and Oracle in commercial applications. This the company says would make a product like Intellect a viable purchase. A DEC VMS version is already available written in C. Artificial Intelligence is also developing a version of Intellect for the IBM 9370 which it expects to have available to coincide with IBM’s bulk shipments of the 9370 – and it will be supported under both VM/CMS and MVS/TSO on IBM’s low-end 370 processors. Another version of Intellect, for the Teradata back-end high transaction rate DBC/1012 database computer system has just been made available in Europe. Teradata of Los Angeles, California develops dedicated database machines similar to those produced by Britton-Lee but larger and consisting of hundreds of 80286-based processors. The latest and final release of Intellect in PL/I is also now available in Europe from the company’s distributors in London: the new version, 303C, includes improved calculation handling; expanded date handling; more powerful concise syntax; single-word definitions for complex calculations; conditional statements for file sorting; IF-THEN-ELSE logic in queries and definitions; and a personal vocabulary option. An option called PC Link is also included in this release which enables users to merge their applications with Intellect and make English language-type enquiries to a mainframe computer via IBM Personalikes. Intellect has an installed base of 550 worldwide but hopes for more competition in this market as it says it spends most of its time getting the natural langage idea accepted. Prices for the DBC/1012 Intellect interface start at UKP14,732 and a complete Intellect installation on the DBC/1012 costs from UKP44,000.