Arthur Young (IES) Ltd, of London EC4, has announced a new MS-DOS product to work with its range of Computer Aided Software Engineering tools. Developed by KnowledgeWare in Atlanta, Georgia, the Information Engineering Workbench/Construction Workstation is directly interfaced with Arthur Young’s existing software engineering tools, and from these generates IBM ANSI Cobol applications. It complements Arthur Young’s existing mainframe-based workstation, Gamma, and performs the same functions. Running under MS-DOS, the Construction Workstation uses a Windows/Presentation Manager interface with pull-down menus, multiple windows and mouse-driven colour graphics. It produces up to 1,200 lines per minute of ANSI Cobol or Cobol II source code, which can be compiled with most Cobol compilers. This will then run on IBM or plug-compatible mainframes under MVS, MVS/SP or MVS/XA operating systems. It will also run under micro-based edit/compile/test packages. Due for commercial release in 90 days, the Construction 8 ion will cost UKP6,300 for a single copy, with volume discounts starting at two copies.