Arnet Corp has a new series of 80386-based multi-user systems, launched last week. Avoiding yet another cryptic numbering scheme, the Nashville, Tennessee-based firm has sensibly named them Models A, B and C. At present they all run SCO Xenix, though a host of other operating systems are being implemented at the moment. Model A, for six users, uses a 16MHz version of the chip, has 4Mb RAM and 70Mb hard disk with a 60Mb streamer, priced at $6,916. The 11-user Model B costs $9,188, uses a 20MHz 80386, has 4Mb RAM and comes with a 90Mb EDSI drive and streamer tape. Top of the range Model C also uses a 20MHz processor and supports 19 users: with 4Mb RAM and a 150Mb EDSI drive it costs $10,476.