Aries Research Inc, Fremont, California is offering an 18-month warranty on its Marixx dt/51 Sparcstation 10 clone featuring a 50MHz Supersparc with 1Mb external cache, internal support for 2Gb disk and 512Mb RAM, two Mbus and four SBus slots, Ethernet, SCSI 2, two serial ports, one Centronics parallel port, 16-bit CD-quality audio, 144Kbps ISDN and Solaris 1.1 or 2.2. Options include a choice of CG3, GX or GX+ graphics boards, 16, 17 or 19 monitors. The firm will preconfigure Megatek accelerator and Vitec 24-bit true colour graphics boards. A base unit with 32Mb internal and 424Mb hard disk with a CG3 frame buffer and 19 monochrome monitor goes for $18,000. The system upgrades to four processors. Meanwhile, the company is offering its Sparc 2 and Sparc 10 clones as components to OEM customers. List price on the Sparc 2 Parrott II system board is $1,977 and on the Marixx system board $6,998. System chassis for the Sparc 10 clone is also available for $460. Prices on its GX+ and GX accelerators are $1,530 and $1,150 respectively.