Screw the Recession, Business Sucks, So lets party! is the uncompromising come-on from Daley Marketing Corp, a Costa Mesa, California broker that comes across as the Californian outpost of the Arfur Daly empire, and whose logo bears a disconcerting resemblance to that of the dear departed DeLorean Motor Corp: the event is Daley’s Dealer Day on September 12 – get your form and cash in by August 26 – at the Mesa Verde Country Club in Costa Mesa, where those whose business is doing so bad they can afford to take a day off can start with golf or tennis, while the rest can start with the cocktail party and dinner from 5.30pm; the Daley team clearly has the heightened sense of the absurd so necessary for those operating in the IBM Corp wonderland, and as well as a Bankruptcy Hall of Fame, attractions include a spoof news video reporting IBM’s next lawsuit in which the commentator approaches the crowd leaving the courthouse, which parts to show a little girl holding a PC she’s up on a charge of daring to reconfigure the machine with non-IBM memory, having bought the box with a student loan financed by IBM Credit Corp, which is thus technically the legal owner of the micro.