Emeryville, California based Sybase Inc has upgraded the tool set that supports development of relational database management system applications: release 5.0 of its APT Workbench includes support for both Unix graphical user interface standards Open Look and Motif, as part of a GUI Style Editor for building graphic applications from character based front ends developed with technology licensed from London based Alex Technologies Ltd; a spokesman said a Microsoft Windows version is also planned; the software will also import data and applications, such as other relational and non-relational databases and flat files, via the Sybase Open Server through remote procedure calls; the company also released version 5.0 of its Data Workbench visual support environment; both products will be out later this month on nine Unix environments including Sun SparcStation, IBM RS/6000, HP9000 700, Digital Equipment Corp Ultrix, Pyramid Technology, Sequent Computer and NCR Corp.