Advanced Programming Resources Inc (APR), a US systems integrator, is targeting Y2K laggards, claiming that its software saves over 80% of the time that companies spend compiling an inventory of applications running on an OS/390 platform.

Dublin, Ohio-based APRÆs software MCS Snooper tells users exactly which programs are running on their systems, enabling them to take remediation action in case of a Y2K related problem. Although other Year 2000 software shows up the latest version of an application, says APR project director John Charles, there may still be other versions on the computer that are invisible to the user.

There are 16,000 OS/390 sites in the US, which will be APRÆs principal market, although the company is negotiating distribution deals for Europe. Expected vertical markets are government, finance, healthcare and manufacturing. Systems cost between $40,000 and $80,000, and the company is aiming to sell 200 before the end of the year, something that would almost double APRÆs total revenue of $14.2m.