London SW15-based open systems supplier Applied Logic Ltd launched three new products at the Software Development ’92 Exhibition in London last week. The first is Eiffel V3, the object-oriented system developed by Dr Bertrand Meyer and Interactive Software Engineering in Santa Barbara, California. It boasts a graphics library, EiffelVision, supporting Motif and X Window, with Open Look and Presentation Manager soon to be added, and other separate components: Eiffelbuild, an interactive graphical user interface; and Eiffelstore which enables links to Oracle and Ingres relational databases and also the Versant object-orientated databases. Secondly, there is LogicAL an object-oriented development toolset for building re-usable business or technical applications. It enables developers to create easily adaptable distributed applications that are portable across graphical user interfaces, databases and operating systems. Thirdly, Applied Logic has become the UK distributor of the O2 System, the database management system developed by 02 Technology SA in France. The system integrates an object oriented programming language, database manager and graphical environment. Components include the 02C language, object-oriented 02SQL SQL and the graphical user interface 02Look, built on top of Motif and X Window. All products are compatible with Sun, Hewlett-Packard, Sony Corp and most Santa Cruz Operation-based Unix systems. The Toolkit and the O2 system are available now; Eiffel the end of July.