Controversy has surrounded the use of RFID chips as human tracking agents but Scott Silverman, chairman and CEO of Applied Digital, said that his company’s technology would not be used in this manner and even backed the recent new Wisconsin legislation.

Silverman explained that Applied Digital’s VeriChip was not a locating device and has no GPS capabilities. It is simply a voluntary passive identification device that is only awakened by a proprietary scanner within a very short range of a few inches.

VeriChip, which is the only company with federal approval to implant microchips into humans, is promoting its RFID chips as medical applications, well suited for people with dementia or patients brought into hospital unconscious or unable to speak.

As well as developing chips for medical use, Verichip has proposed using them for a government immigration program, it’s really no different than a tamperproof passport you can carry all the time, stated Silverman. As concerns mount about falsified documents, VeriChip technology ensures security and privacy for the individual as well as increased security at our borders.