Apple Computer Inc duly launched its five new Macintosh desktops, colour PowerBook and two new low-end laser printers in Tokyo – for the world market – yesterday, and also revealed that it is celebrating shipment of the 10 millionth Macintosh. The announcements were made at MacWorld Tokyo, the biggest such event with more than 100,000 attendees. Hottest properties are the probably the new 20MHz Centris machines, the first mid-range models to use the 68040 chip. The Centris 610 is from $1,860 with 4Mb and 80Mb disk, the 650 at $2,700. A new low-end 33MHz Quadra 800 with 8Mb and 230Mb disk is $4,680. The Color Classic is $1,390 with 4Mb, 80Mb disk and keyboard. It has Mac LC expansion capability. The new LC III is the same price in the same configuration, offering nearly twice the performance of the LC II. The 33MHz colour PowerBook with passive matrix display is the 165c and it is $3,400 with 4Mb and 80Mb disk. The PowerBook Duo 230 with 4Mb and 120Mb disk plus Express Modem is $3,220. The LaserWriter Select 300 is $820, and all the above are available now. The LaserWriter Select 310 is $1,080 next month, and the LaserWriter Pro 600 now comes standard with 8Mb of memory and is $2,100.