Apple Computer Corp is expected to announce an aggressive plan to attract third party developers to its fold as early as this month, after restructuring itself last week to become a more efficient corporate machine. The new structure means six senior executives will report to Apple chief Gilbert Amelio, who apparently wanted a layer of deputies whose ranks diminished under CEO Michael Spindler last October. Amelio has approved $12m to be spent on beefing up Apple’s developer relations and the company is expected to strike a deal with the non-profit Center for Software Development in San Jose, California to provide services for its lower-tier developers so that it may concentrate on pampering its larger partners. Many have questioned whether so many small third party developers distract Apple from its core competencies. Apple says its restructure will allow it to be a leaner, keener company, but some called the latest move just another shuffle of suits. If Apple isn’t doing major moves like spinning off Claris, selling off its printer group and other non-core lines then it won’t make that much difference in the big picture, said Mark McGillivray, director at HM Consulting. The move is part of the revamp which split Apple into four P&Ls and is expected to be put into place this month (CI No 2912). The latest casualty of Apple’s restructure – who is said to be departing without rancor – is James Buckley, senior vice president and president of Apple’s Americas division. The six executives under Amelio are now the chief operating officer, chief administrative officer, chief financial officer, senior vice- president of corporate marketing, vice president strategic planning and chief technical officer – as yet unnamed. Marco Landi, chief operating officer, will oversee the P&Ls.