Apple Computer Inc, which oddly chose Friday for the launch of the second generation Newton previewed in CI No 2,356, told Dow Jones & Co that it will have a lrge-screen tablet version of the Newton ready for September or October launch. Code-named Bic, it will enable users to view an entire page of a document instead of just parts of it, the best that is possible on the small screens of the current MessagePads. It sees it being used in places such as hospitals, where doctors need to look at a patient’s medical chart when making their rounds. Apple also told the Dow that Siemens AG, which licensed the technology a couple of years ago, will soon introduce a Newton-based smart phone, which will be a model that can slide in and out of a desktop device. It will be able to find phone numbers, make calls and provide information while the user talks on the phone. Another partner will introduce a similar model in the US by Christmas, Apple says. Also on the stocks, for this summer, is a slip-in modem that will plug into a cellular phone for wireless transmissions to and from Newton. And by the end of this year, there will be a scanner to read printed documents into the Newton, while Newton speech recognition capability should be out by the end of next year.