Apple Computer Inc will next month cut prices in preparation for the introduction of the Power Macintosh 4400, 7300, 8600 and 9600 models, MacWeek reports. The paper was told that the company is preparing an across-the-board price reduction on Power Mac, Performa and server systems, ranging from an average 19% reduction on Performa models to an average of 27% on Power Macintoshes. A Power Mac 7600/132 is expected to fall by $500 to $1,800, a 9500/200 will fall by $900 to $3,300, while a Performa 6400/200 will fall to about $1,800 from $2,200. Prices on Apple Workgroup Servers are expected to be reduced by 15%, while AIX- based Apple Network Servers are expected to be cut by 22%. The new models are expected to include a low-end Power Macintosh 4400/200 using a 200MHz PowerPC 603e and costing $1,700, a 7300/180 using a 180MHz PowerPC 604e costing $2,300, and a $3,200 Power Mac 8600/200 with an internal Iomega Corp Zip drive, and a $4,700 dual-processor 9600/200, both using 200MHz PowerPC 604es; they are tipped to arrive in mid-February.