Apple Computer Inc, joining the stampede to offer servers specifically for would-be Internet information and service providers, is now shipping its Internet Server Solution for the World Wide Web (CI No 2,643). The integrated package includes PowerPC-based 6150/66, 8150/110 or 9150/120 Workgroup Server and all the software needed to make the server accessible to others on the Web on a CD-ROM disk. The software includes WebStar 1.0 from StarNine Technologies Inc, BBEdit from Bare Bones Software Inc, Netscape Navigator from Netscape Communications Corp, AppleSearch from Apple and Adobe Acrobat Pro from Adobe Systems Inc. It includes several Common Gateway Interfaces and fully-functional versions of HyperCard and AppleScript. There is a set of Web page templates – home pages, catalogue pages and forms, sample databases, on-line documentation and how-to tutorials. MacDNS domain name server software for Mac OS is expected to be ready for the Workgroup Servers this summer: it is designed to make the Workgroup Server recognisable to other servers on the Web and does not require Unix knowledge to use. With a 6150/66, the system costs $2,909 in the US, and is available now. MacDNS will be available for a nominal shipping charge when it becomes available.