The lap-top Macintosh – dubbed the portapple in some quarters, is expected to make its debut on September 20 alongside a 25MHz Apple IIci with 1-, 2-, 4- or 8-bit video support. According to Newsbytes, in its basic configuration, the Mac SE laptop comes with 1Mb of RAM and single 1.44Mb 3.5 SuperDrive that reads MS DOS floppies, and will go for $3,500, with the top model, with 40Mb hard disk, internal 2400bps modem and 5Mb of memory costing $6,500. Apple will supply user-installable 1Mb and 3Mb RAM cards to upgrade the 1Mb box to 2Mb, 4Mb or 5Mb. The thing is not expected to be particularly light – 14 lbs to 17 lbs is expected – as it will use an internal lead acid battery to power the 9.8 active matrix display that will be able to display a full monochrome Macintosh screen. It will have the same port set as the Mac SE, one expansion slot and an SE-like Processor Direct Slot. A low-power mouse will be standard. Power-saving circuitry will slow the Motorola 68000 to 1MHz after 15 seconds of no activity, and after a further lapse of time, it will cut off completely. A single charge is expected to last about eight hours.