Apple Computer Co’s board is putting pressure on interim chief executive Steve Jobs to accept the job permanently or step aside, according to reports in The Wall Street Journal and USA Today. The Apple board was meeting Tuesday and the subject of the co- founder’s status at the company was to be given top priority. In an attempt to lure Jobs into the position permanently, a newly- sweetened compensation package is being offered which could give him more than 5% of the company. Jobs and the board reportedly have been talking money since he turned down an earlier offer in December. Apple recently set aside about 17 million shares for executives and other employees as part of performance-based incentive program. The board has been considering imposing a deadline by which Jobs must make a decision. While there is strong support for Jobs, who’s seen a return to profits and a strengthened share price since his return in September, the board apparently feels the uncertainty of having an interim leader cannot go on much longer. Two other candidates are being considered for the post. Apple declined to comment on the reports, saying it doesn’t comment on rumors and it keeps information about its board meetings tightly under wraps.