Apple Computer Inc has announced QuickTime for Java, which it said brings QuickTime’s digital media and video capabilities to the Java platform. QuickTime for Java is a developer framework for adding multimedia playback, authoring and publishing capabilities to Java software. It is expected to increase Java’s acceptance in new media markets. QuickTime for Java lets developers write Java programs that incorporate QuickTime content and functionality and gives them access to QuickTime’s support for digital media, including graphics, sound, video, text, music, VR and 3D. Additionally, they will be able to deliver high-quality video and audio using QuickTime 3’s compression technologies. A developer release of QuickTime for Java is available now. In February (CI No 3,343), the ISO chose an implementation of QuickTime over the Microsoft/RealNetworks ASF Active Streaming Format as the basis of its MPEG-4 file format.