Apple Computer Inc claims that its internet marketing initiative, The Apple Store, has received over $12m in orders in its first 30 days of operation. It opened for business on the company’s web site on November 10. Interim CEO Steve Jobs is proudly proclaiming that The Apple Store is now one of the top e-commerce sites on the web. It’s still a long way from the more than $1m-a- day that Dell Computer Corp claims its web site generates. The Apple Store, as well as a build-to-order program that goes with it, is part of Apple’s new distribution strategy, (CI No 3,287). The campaign also includes a new relationship with computer retailing giant CompUSA Inc (CI No 3,283). CompUSA is opening an Apple store within a store in every one of its more than 140 locations in the US. Each CompUSA Apple-branded outlet will feature the complete Apple computer line, a large selection of accessories, and over 200 Macintosh software titles.