Apple Computer Inc says it is providing favoured developers with an initial release of its OpenDoc for Macintosh answer to Microsoft Corp’s Object Linking & Embedding, with the aim of working with the developers to fine-tune the implementation and transition process: OpenDoc is an open compound-document architecture that enables users to create a single document that can contain multiple types of data, such as text, graphics, sound and video, although it does seem to be stretching language a bit to describe a video on MTV, which may well include all those elements – and be assembled on a Macintosh – as a document; OpenDoc is backed by IBM Corp, Novell Inc and WordPerfect Corp as a cross-system architecture; Apple plans to ship OpenDoc for Macintosh in mid-1994; Novell and WordPerfect plan to provide the OpenDoc implementation for Microsoft Corp Windows-based systems, and IBM plans to implement OpenDoc for OS/2 and Unix systems.