Apple Computer Inc has begun shipping AppleShare and AppleSearch Client for Windows. The software links Windows users to AppleTalk-based local area networks. The former, which enables Windows users to access AppleTalk-based file and print services will be included with all of the company’s Workgroup Servers. The latter will ship with the company’s text search and retrieval software, AppleSearch v1.5. Both products offer Windows users the same look and feel as a Windows network application. Included in the AppleShare product is a software developers kit which is based on the AppleTalk Protocol Stack developed by Apple with Santa Barbara, California-based Miramar Systems Inc, and has been out as a separate product since January (CI No 2,586). It enables developers of database, electronic mail, scheduling and other network services to develop versions of their applications that can run on different systems. A kit for AppleSearch is available from the Apple Program Developer’s Alliance. Both come with a network licence that enables distribution of the Windows client software to any Windows-based personal computer connected to the network. Customers that have bought a Workgroup Server since January, along with those of the Apple Internet Server Solution for the World Wide Web and AppleSearch v1.5, can get free copies of the Windows client software. Otherwise, AppleShare cost $200. AppleSearch 1.0 customers can upgrade to v1.5 for $100 which includes the AppleSearch Client.