A Netherlands court has ruled that some of South Korea based Samsung Electronics’ Galaxy smartphones and tablets infringe Apple patent and banned them from selling in the country.

The court ordered Samsung to pay damages to the iPhone maker Apple based on how much profit the company has made from the sale of the device.

The case involves Galaxy-branded smartphones and tablets that run older versions of Android operating system, mainly 2.2.1 to 3.0.

Samsung was accused of violating an Apple patent which relates to photo galleries on how they scroll and show next photo previews.

In June this year, a Dutch court had found Apple guilty of infringing on a Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS) related patent owned by Samsung and ordered the company to pay an undisclosed amount in damages.

Both the firms are are fighting long-running patent cases against each other in several countries.

Recently, Apple claimed that six more Samsung products infringe its patents and the South Korean firm claimed that the iPhone maker’s new iPad mini infringes its eight patented technologies.

Earlier this month, a US judge ordered Apple to reveal all details of its deals with HTC to Samsung, in response to recent plea by the South Korean firm.

Apple had won about $1.051bn in a patent suit in August this year, which is claimed to be one of the biggest patent cases in decades, against Samsung.