Shaped as a cylinder and occupying about one eighth the volume of its predecessors, the new Mac Pro features 4-core, 6-core, 8-core or 12-core Intel Xeon processors that run at speeds of up to 3.9 GHz.

In addition, the dual workstation-class AMD FirePro GPUs are aimed at delivering about eight times the graphics performance of the earlier generation Mac Pro.

PCIe-based flash storage incorporated in the latest workstation would offer sequential read speeds about 10 times faster than traditional desktop hard drives.

The 60GBps of memory bandwidth offered by ultra-fast ECC memory would allow effortlessly editing full-resolution 4K video while concurrently providing effects in the background.

Apple is also offering configure-to-order options which include 8-core or 12-core Intel Xeon E5 processors, AMD FirePro D700 GPUs with 6GB of RAM, about 64GB of memory, and up to 1TB of PCIe-based flash storage.