The license agreement with Aplix is the first time that the ARM Jazelle Technology Enabling Kit , the Java acceleration software component of the ARM Jazelle technology has been licensed in Japan. The move is an important step toward enabling embedded devices to run powerful, interactive Java technology applications, such as graphic intensive games, on-line ticketing, home shopping or banking, with minimal power consumption.

The fastest Java VM for mobile phones in Japan will get even faster with ARM Jazelle technology, said Ryu Koriyama, CEO, Aplix Corporation. JBlend customers will enjoy the benefits of using the leading technology in Java to create competitive products. This agreement will enable our OEMs to broaden the usage of Java technology from high-end premium products to high-volume, cost-effective products.

Aplix is a leading force in the Japanese wireless industry, providing an innovative solution for embedded Java technology that enables handset OEMs to develop wireless devices that deliver enhanced and compelling applications to the end user, said Robin Saxby, chairman and CEO, ARM.

ARM Jazelle technology enables devices to execute Java bytecode directly, allowing developers of wireless and Internet-enabled devices to run high-performance Java technology applications up to ten times faster, while incurring minimal power and cost overheads.

Aplix will provide its customers with a JBlend solution that incorporates the ARM JTEK software, and is available for all current Sun embedded Java technologies, J2ME (CDC, CLDC) and Personal Java.