Under the partnership, APC will offer assessment services, integration services and physical layer management software. CA will provide enterprise-level monitoring and management software and related services solutions.

APC’s global professional services organization has experience in all aspects of data center energy modernization. The APC professional services team audits existing data centers and advises customers with detailed plans for improvements to the physical infrastructure including power management and cooling solutions. APC’s vendor-neutral management software, InfraStruXure Central, includes the ability to monitor devices such as temperature sensors, video, thermal, and other technologies. When combined with APC’s Capacity Manager, customers can make changes to the data center to understand the impact on the power and cooling infrastructure before deployment.

CA’s eHealth Network Performance Manager (NPM) has been enhanced to manage data center power equipment, HVAC systems, fuel consumption, and other devices such as the thousands of temperature sensors needed to monitor individual rack temperatures.

CA eHealth NPM proactively pinpoints service degradations to enable corrective action before they affect users and business processes. When used with APC’s InfraStruXure Central, the enhancements to CA eHealth NPM will allow for the capture and integration of data from non-IT devices, improving to monitor and manage the energy consumption of these complex systems.

Roger Pilc, corporate senior vice president and general manager of infrastructure management and data center automation business at CA, said: It’s a natural extension to enable CA eHealth NPM to manage performance of non-IT devices, particularly those related to energy and power optimization in the data center. We are excited to be incorporating energy management and optimization into our infrastructure management and data center automation solutions.