America Online Inc has taken another step in its ongoing battle against junk e-mail, or spam, by giving its members more control over what e-mail they want and don’t want to receive. AOL says that, effective immediately, it is expanding its Mail Control features to allow users to choose what specific internet addresses and domains they want mail from. New choices include: AOL members only, AOL and specific addresses of friends, AOL and specific ISPs. In addition to the enhanced controls, AOL has set up an area on its site devoted to educating subscribers about the evils of spam, with tips on how to avoid being inundated with it. In the past month, AOL has filed suit against two companies – Over the Air Equipment Inc and Prime Data Systems Inc – for spamming its members (CI No 3,260). In February, AOL reached a legal settlement with Cyber Promotions Inc after a Philadelphia judged ruled against the bulk e-mailer in a similar suit.