Under the agreement, selected ANZ business customers will assess the feasibility of securely accessing commonwealth, state and local government online services using a chip card containing an IdenTrust digital certificate.

Under the agreement, businesses will be able to securely access many government services online using their chip card, such as applying for grants and concessions; applying for licenses and permits; meeting customs reporting requirements for importers/exporters; registering a company/business name, and signing and submitting government tenders and contracts.

A successful trial would enable ANZ and the Department of Industry, Tourism and Resources (DITR) to make the system available to additional ANZ business customers.

ANZ managing director of working capital, Chris Cooper, said that ANZ is the first Australian bank to reach agreement with the commonwealth to work towards providing clients with secure access to online government services.

ANZ has been issuing clients with chip cards since 2003 to enable them to access ANZ’s services securely online, Mr Cooper said. With this agreement, clients will, over time, be able to use ANZ chip cards to access select government services simply and securely.

ANZ and the DITR will begin trials with the system later this year.